Dance Artist and Somatic Movement Educator
I dance to create space. Space for connection, conversation, learning/unlearning, joy, play and kindness, sadness and loneliness, trusting instincts, physical spontaneity, beauty (of a non-conforming type). I dance to connect my humanness to the wider landscape, to notice the fluttering of the leaves, the rhythm of birdsong, the colours of the seasons, the journeys of past and future. I dance to place my body in sites where I am part of the more-than-human world.
In my artistic practice, I am sensitive to the world and all that it contains; a consequence of dwelling in places filled with stillness and silence, but also a consequence of dwelling in I-don't-want-to-spend-time-here-but-have-to places. Space creates time for observing and sensing through my whole being. I dance to embody these experiences.
I am passionate about increasing the inclusivity and accessibility of dance, and so my work often engages with the local community and those who may not have regular access to dance because of where they live. I believe dance has the potential to be community-building by facilitating safe spaces that empower people to share their stories and embody their expressions.